


职业和学术途径 (帽s) are groups of similar programs designed to help students select a program of study (i.e., a major) and speed progress toward completion. Within each 帽, students can explore a set of 程序地图 that show a semester-by-semester path from program entry to completion.

Currently 招收ed Students: Join your 帽 Canvas Site


帮助你与人们建立联系, 的地方, and resources that will support you on your pathway at LAVC, 我们创建了一个全面的, 一站式Canvas站点, 特定于您的帽. Current LAVC students can join their specific 帽 Canvas Site to access all the tools and resources with just a few simple steps. 

  1. Click on the names below to expand the section.
  2. 在确定正确的帽之后, 在那个区域内, follow the instructions to join your appropriate Canvas Site. 
  3. We recommend only joining the 帽 Canvas site that corresponds to your major. In other words, you should only join ONE Canvas site. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, then belong to 艺术,媒体和设计 帽, 也就是AMD 帽:

  • Art (包括 Art 历史, graphic design, and studio Arts
  • 广播
  • 电影
  • 电影、电视、电子媒体
  • 媒体艺术
  • 音乐
  • 摄影
  • 剧院
  1. Use the Join AMD Canvas Site button below. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”

加入AMD Canvas网站

一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, 那就属于公司, 创业, 及法例第帽, 也被称为BEL 帽:

  • 会计
  • 业务
  • CAOT

  1. Use the Join BEL Canvas Site button below. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”


一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, then you belong to the 卫生和公共服务 帽, 也被称为HPS 帽:

  • 司法行政
  • 盟军的健康
  • 儿童发展
  • 消防技术
  • 健康科学
  • 老师准备

  1. 使用“Join H”PS Canvas Site" button below. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”


一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, then belong to the 人文与传播学帽, 也被称为H&C帽:

  • 沟通研究
  • 英语
  • 非母语英语课程


  • 人文学科
  • 新闻
  • 哲学
  • 世界语言

  1. 使用“Join H”&C画布站点”按钮下面. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”


一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, 那么你就属于制造业, 电子产品, 及建筑帽, 也被称为MEC帽:

  • 体系结构
  • 建设
  • 电子产品
  • 制造业

  1. Use the "Join MEC画布站点”按钮下面. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”


一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, then you belong to the 社会与行为科学 帽, 也被称为SBS 帽:

  • 非裔美国人研究
  • 人类学
  • 经济学


  • 民族研究
  • 地理位置
  • 历史


  • 政治科学
  • 心理学
  • 宗教研究
  • 社会学

  1. Use the "Join SBS Canvas Site" button below. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”


一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

If you're majoring in one of the following areas, 那么你就属于科学了, 技术, 工程, 数学 职业和学术途径 also known as the 阀杆 帽.

  • 生物学
  • 化学
  • 计算机科学
  • 地球科学
  • 工程
  • 地质
  • 数学
  • 物理
  • 阀杆

  1. Use the "Join 阀杆 Canvas Site" button below. You’ll be asked to sign into the student portal.
  2. Click on the “招收 in Course” button.
    • 注意:这不是一个实际的类. 没有成绩,没有作业.
  3. Click on the “Go to Dashboard button”


一旦你进入了Canvas网站, you’ll have access to all the amazing tools and resources to help you succeed at Valley. 

帽 Upcoming Events 日历: Spring 2024

春季24日日期/时间 事件描述 地点/方式

艺术,媒体和设计 cosponsored by the 人文学科 & 沟通帽

5月9日,晚上7:30.m. -10:00 p.m.

Barbie Movie Night: Bring your friends, 家庭, and blankets as we watch the Barbie movie under the stars. 了解 employment opportunities in the entertainment industry from LAVC Professors and working professionals. 

FREE Burritos to the first 200 people!


North Mall Lawn between the 图书馆 and the 自助餐厅
商业、企业家精神和法律 4月19日下午5点.m.

Community College to Success with a Special Focus on 会计. 

免费晚餐和停车. 请参阅传单了解所需的回复.

商业、企业家精神和法律 2024年5月9日12点.m. -1:30 p.m. BEL 帽 业务 Day Conference: Learn tips on job placement/career success internships, 就业机会. 详情见传单.  On campus: 自助餐厅/Book Store Quad

3月21日:下午1:30.m.-2:30 p.m.


询问专家:职业小组. 看到 传单详情. 




卫生和公共服务 5月3日上午10点.m.-11:00 a.m. 职业生涯 Coaching: Mastering resumes and interviews with Brad Pollack.  详情见传单. 变焦
人文与传播学 cosponsored with Social & 行为科学帽 4月23日上午11:30.m. -1:00 p.m.

Author Talk: Hear author Reyna Grande discuss her award-winning memoir, 我们之间的距离. 了解 employment options in the writing job sector. 免费午餐和书的副本. 详情见传单. 

制造业, 电子产品, and 建设 5月8日:上午9点到下午12点

MEC Open House:  Find out about LAVC's programs in 电子产品, 制造业, 建设, 体系结构, and 工程 Graphics as well as employment opportunities in the job sector.  详情见传单. 

Science, 技术, 工程, and 数学 3月13日上午11点.m.-2:00 p.m.

和我们一起庆祝圆周率日! Free food, prizes, raffles, guest speakers, and activities! 详情见传单. 

Science, 技术, 工程, and 数学 3月18日下午3点.m. - 4:00 p.m. LA County Criminalist: 了解 the sections within the LASD Crime Lab, with a special focus
on Forensic 生物学/DNA and Crime Scene Investigation! 了解
job opportunities in criminalistics and forensics, and get inspired! 详情见传单. 
美沙中心,LARC 229
Science, 技术, 工程, and 数学 3月19日下午1点.m. - 3:00 p.m. LADWP小型招聘会. 详情见传单.  美沙中心,LARC 229
Science, 技术, 工程, and 数学 4月19日上午11点.m.-3:00 p.m. 研究/实习研讨会 ACA Hyflex Room. 详情即将公布. 
Science, 技术, 工程, and 数学 4月22日下午2点.m.-3:00 p.m. 地球日:演讲系列第一天. 详情见传单.  美沙中心,LARC 229
Science, 技术, 工程, and 数学 4月23日下午5:30.m.-6:30 p.m. 地球日:演讲系列第2天. 详情见传单.  变焦 
社会与行为科学 4月23日上午11:30.m. -1:00 p.m.

Author Talk: Hear author Reyna Grande discuss her award-winning memoir, 我们之间的距离. 了解 employment options in the writing job sector. 免费午餐和书的副本. 详情见传单. 





For 帽-specific information access the 帽-specific websites and flyers. 

 以下 video on 帽s (2:19 minute) provides a brief overview of the 帽s and their connection to careers.